
Showing posts from December, 2022

Thoughts about Winter Break

 Before I am set free from the shackles of this semester, I have 3 more days of finals. This is the highest number of finals I've ever had, so I'm a little intimidated. Pray that physics is easy guys. On a brighter note, I bought some of my friends Christmas gifts. I feel like God when I wrap them. God and Oprah had a child and it's ME HOHOHO I think I've already partially slipped into the break mentality. A couple days ago I played a couple games of League (low, I know). The winds of freedom under my fingers, the elation in my heart, the voices of my friends cheering their support as I died again and again and again.... brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it. My mom's friend's daughter is coming over to visit for a couple days, and we're taking her to Chicago because the rest of Illinois is boring. My mom says I'm getting a haircut, so I've been agonizing over which haircut to get for the past few days. We could go bob, bangs, layered, black

Nails are Cool

Hi guys! I'm going through a major nail phase. Been trying some nail art and stuff whenever I have time, so I figured since this week is all about images, it's time to share :D Let's go through my camera roll together. I saw a rich asian student in the campus target wear comme des garcons converse and I suddenly need them in my life. Since I have (quite literally, unfortunately) $1.19 in my bank account right now, I did my nails instead. If you zoom in on the tiny white dot on my pinky it's another heart yay My friends sent me the inspo for this one on Instagram, so I tried it a few days later when I had time. I had a version before this with red 4th and 5th fingers and it looked better, but I don't have any pictures of it. This version was actually just so I could practice putting on the white polish. It's just a tad too sheer and streaky to do a single coat, but the brush also catches and scrapes the bottom layers of polish if you try to layer coats too quickl

There's Nothing to Say

I ran out of things to say. There's not much happening but somehow I miscounted and so I'm missing a blog post. Since it's the week of Parkland finals and 2 weeks before Uni finals, now's the perfect time to complain about the homework I've procrastinated.  For Parkland, I have 3 chapters of reading due + final exam due on Sunday, then another 3-5 page research paper kind of thing to assess the economic situation of a region due Tuesday. I've done about 0.07% of one of the three chapters, meaning I'm in ✨ extremely bad shape ✨ for Sunday. I had a semester that was like this the whole way through, and I don't know how I managed it.  Also I got my braces tightened/moved around, so I'm extremely annoyed and in pain. It's like when you try to have a discussion with someone but there's a juicy mosquito bite on your calf and your fingers are squishy and without nails. There's a baseline impatience whenever I have my rubber bands in. Pain makes

Space Heater

Like many, I'm a bit of a procrastinator. I have to keep inventing carrots to dangle in front of myself so I do my work more efficiently. Recently, I've discovered a couple patterns/new carrots that work. Comfort: This week, I bought a space heater. I become a comically bitter person in winter. Each morning, I'm repelled back to bed by the hellishly cold world. There are SEVERAL instances of me getting up, performing a few morning tasks and becoming fully sentient and conscious, and then I make the active decision to sabotage my attendance because it's just too cold. My sense of self preservation is too strong. I've tried to bypass it. The first time I bought a space heater, the entire house smelled of burning plastic. I started choking on carcinogens and had to return it within a week. This time, I bought an oil-filled space heater. Hallelujah. It's a delicious carrot. Link: Aesth

Week 0 (not really)

 Guess who just realized they were supposed to have a Week 0 post! Me! :))))))) My original intention was to reflect on each week in Discord, using different formats of conversation on the app to gauge how good each week was. There's more explanation on my Week 1 post. However, I very quickly realized that there wasn't nearly enough interesting activity on Discord. I would have to deliberately sabotage every relationship in my life if I wanted to have enough material. Instead, I've been using this as a space to write about whatever life updates I have. Whatever I happen to think a lot about that week, I write about. Okay bye and read along! :D