Thoughts about Winter Break

 Before I am set free from the shackles of this semester, I have 3 more days of finals. This is the highest number of finals I've ever had, so I'm a little intimidated. Pray that physics is easy guys.

On a brighter note, I bought some of my friends Christmas gifts. I feel like God when I wrap them. God and Oprah had a child and it's ME HOHOHO

I think I've already partially slipped into the break mentality. A couple days ago I played a couple games of League (low, I know). The winds of freedom under my fingers, the elation in my heart, the voices of my friends cheering their support as I died again and again and again.... brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it.

My mom's friend's daughter is coming over to visit for a couple days, and we're taking her to Chicago because the rest of Illinois is boring. My mom says I'm getting a haircut, so I've been agonizing over which haircut to get for the past few days. We could go bob, bangs, layered, black, red, purple. I think any of them would be fine if they were actually accurate to the pictures, but I no longer place ANY trust in hair dressers after my most recent hair fiascos. Tell me why Ms. Hairdresser Lady cut my bangs in the MIDDLE OF MY FOREHEAD. But I can always go bald so whatever.

More urgently, I must clean. My room is a pile split in the middle so I can get to my desk. Over 1/2 of my bed is covered in clean clothes that I won't wash but won't hang up either. There was a time when I religiously cleaned my room. I once had a meltdown because my older brother ransacked my room looking for Paddles the Penguin and my headbands wouldn't go back into the exact orientation that I had them in. 

The SSO also gave us college preparation homework. I need to write references for my friends and fill out a huge document about myself now. I also need to finalize enrollment and concurrent enrollment and it's a huge headache using MULTIPLE softwares (excel, google calendar, notion) to figure out what the actual hell is happening. I'm in one of those phases where I've managed to put off so much work that even break is stressing me out. 

But I'm literally God-Oprah-Santa so it's ok :) 

Have a nice break guys


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